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CCTV Will Alter the Intentions of Criminals

Thieves seek out easy targets. Even criminals make risk assessments and will pick locations they consider virtually risk free. According to a Home Office study, burglars are very likely to return to a property they have previously broken in to, if they consider getting caught low risk. They have successfully…

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Are the Spies Amongst Us, For Us or Against Us

This year, I have received 3 photos from CCTV systems of my vehicle in a bus lane in Lambeth causing a traffic violation and 4 photos of my vehicle in the London congestion charge zone without paying the fee on the day. Now I’m afraid to open the post. This…

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Making CCTV Work For You

It is easy to end up with a CCTV installation which doesn’t meet your expectations because of a poor assessment of your requirements at the beginning. The first and most important question to be addressed with any CCTV system is What do I need to see? Closely followed by Why…

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Time, Gentlemen, Please!

Deputy Information Commissioner, David Smith was quoted in an SMT online editor’s View article about licensed premises being forced into installing CCTV in order to get a license for their premises. He said: “We recognise that CCTV plays an important role in the prevention and detection of crime, and can…

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Is your CCTV a help or a hindrance?

Scotland Yard recently reported that less than one crime is solved for every 1,000 CCTV cameras in London CameraWatch Chief Executive, Gordon Ferrie says, “Of course, CCTV alone will not lead to a greater number of successful prosecutions. But when it is deployed correctly and effectively it can be a…

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Protecting your Employees with CCTV

William Hill PLC corporate responsibility report Protecting our employees We take the safety and security of our staff very seriously, particularly in our shops, and are committed to protecting the welfare of our staff as far as possible by taking proactive measures. Through our Security Department, we undertake regular risks…

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5 things for perfect CCTV

1. Buy what you need. Every business has different CCTV needs. Some don’t need CCTV at all. Banks needs top level CCTV and a Barber Shop might need 2 good cameras only. Some businesses only need dummy cameras, and a dummy protected by sign. So before you get a quotation…

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Wireless CCTV … be or not to be

CCTV Camera sLondon are often asked about wireless CCTV transmission it would be so convenient to place cameras at the required locations, locate the digital video recorder at a suitable location and let the images drift over the airwaves without the burden of having to run any cables. This ideal…

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Guidance on optimising your CCTV system

Recent events have highlighted the importance of close-circuit TV in identifying and prosecuting rioters and looters. Over 3000 people have been arrested so far, and video evidence will play a major part in securing convictions. For successful prosecution (and, therefore, for future deterrence) its vital that CCTV systems produce and…

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Lessons to be learnt from Jamie’s kitchen. Secure your London Restaurants using CCTV security systems.

The restaurants operating in central London are subject to Westminster Council Hospitality regulations. Under these regulations, they have several restrictions on the type of service they can offer, food or drink they can serve, the opening times and even how they must protect their staff, premises, stock and most importantly…

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If you have a Shop in London dont let it turn into a Soft Target. Get a CCTV Camera System installed.

At least 900 retail stores hit in UK riots. ( London retail sector, especially shops in the high street were in the line of fire, during the recent Riots. This was a disaster of the highest order and most of the shops could claim their insurance money back. But what…

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Is your Property Management Company under threat of being labelled an extortion scam?

An article in Financial Times in early September 2011 caught the attention of lease holders and especially property management companies. growing number of UK leaseholders are taking action against their properties managing agents over poor service and overcharging – and many are choosing to set up their own management companies…

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CCTV Cameras in Schools Privacy Vs Safety?

Over the last few years, there has been a big debate on whether CCTV cameras in schools invade the privacy of the students and teachers and makes them behave artificially because they know they are being watched, all the time. CCTV Cameras London prides itself to be an ethical business…

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Whilst you enjoy your summer holidays someone else could be enjoying looting your home. Act now! Install CCTV.

We all look forward to having that special holiday in the sun with our family every year. And so do the burglars. Statistics, from the University of Pennsylvania show that during the summer session, homes without security systems are about 3 times more likely to be broken into than homes…

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5 year old Thusha Kamaleswaran wins justice as Vital CCTV camera evidence helps puts South London gang members behind bars.

Thusha Kamaleswaran was caught in crossfire of a bungled assassination attempt which took place in her uncle shop in Stockwell in South London. She was shot in the chest several times and even though the paramedics and doctors managed to save her life, she will now remain paralysed for life.…

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Have you ever felt harassed by the police? CCTV might change things for the better.

CCTV Cameras London has always advocated the use of CCTV Cameras not just to protect businesses and homes but also for monitoring and assessing the fairness and behaviour standards of government officials and departments who are setup to help the public. In the recent past the complaints of police misconduct…

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British government needs to investment in far superior quality CCTV Cameras. Evidence in support of this is quite shocking.

The government spends a lot of public money on installing CCTV Camera systems. More than 500 million has been spent on protecting the city of London and more is being invested across Britain. The tax payer also pays for the court’s time and for the judicial machineray to help put…

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CCTV Cameras London is helping Restaurants in London to become a safer place for both staff and customers.

Are you a Restaurant owner looking to protect your staff, customers, stock and premises? – Are you worried that when you are away, your kitchen might not be performing up to scratch and there is some issue with missing cash over the till? – Are you worried about some not…

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CCTV Cameras london secures Nine Elms – Vauxhall, London

Nine Elms Battersea Area is a major opportunity zone for the local community and the whole of London. By 2030 Nine Elms aims to become an exciting and distinctive quarter of central London providing 16,000 new homes and up to 25,000 new jobs. The area is framed by Lambeth Bridge…

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How can we keep our London Pubs safe?

Fig: A Thirsty Mayor of London – Boris Johnson at a London Pub London has had a romantic relationship with its pubs dating way back into history even before the Great London fire of 1666. In 21st century Britain pubs are a great place to socialise with family and friends.…

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CCTV Cameras London protects another 5 chains of Spa & Massage

Fig: Photos of Spa and Massage If you are a busy spa or massage parlour with a loyal clientele, the only thing you wish to concentrate on is providing the most relaxing experience to your customers. The last thing you want is to do is to live under constant fear…

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CCTV Cameras london secures Notting Hill – Kensington & Chelsea , London

Notting Hill is an area in London, England, close to the north-western corner of Kensington Gardens, in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. It is a cosmopolitan district known as the location for the annual Notting Hill Carnival, and for being home to the Portobello Road Market. Notting Hill…

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CCTV Cameras London is helping Spas & Salons in London to feel Safe, Secure and In Control

We believe that if you are a Spa or Salon owner you must have some creative taste and a desire to do good for your fellow citizens. Your Spas & Salons are doing a fantastic job of relaxing your customers and helping them enhance their inner and outer beauty. Now…

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CCTV Cameras london offers KFC in London, a Guaranteed 1% increase in Profit margin per annum

CCTV CAMERAS LONDON’S BOLD OFFER TO KFC IN LONDON A GUARANTEED 1% INCREASE IN PROFIT MARGIN PER ANNUM The objective of this specific project is to make KFC more profitable by reducing shrinkage. We have based our bold claim on successful case studies, where we have helped clients increase: recorded…

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Cheap and Best don’t go hand in hand – The New Inn Pub in St. Johns Wood, London learns the hard way

The New Inn pub is quietly sat in a residential area of St. Johns Wood a few minutes walk from Lords Cricket ground; this newly refurbished pub had problems with customers constantly making false complaints about customer service, employees shortchanging the customers, loss of personal belongings. Recently a pub a…

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FREE Remote Access Installation no fixed IP address needed.

Remote access to your CCTV system is possible via the internet or even on your Smart phone (Iphone or android) etc. Most internet connection uses a process known as Dynamic IP address allocation. This means your internet “address” is constantly changing. Don’t worry our engineers can get round this problem…

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CCTV Will Alter the Intentions of Criminals

Thieves seek out easy targets. Even criminals make risk assessments and will pick locations they consider virtually risk free. According to a Home Office study, burglars are very likely to return to a property they have previously broken in to, if they consider getting caught low risk. They have successfully…

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Are the Spies Amongst Us, For Us or Against Us

This year, I have received 3 photos from CCTV systems of my vehicle in a bus lane in Lambeth causing a traffic violation and 4 photos of my vehicle in the London congestion charge zone without paying the fee on the day. Now I’m afraid to open the post. This…

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Making CCTV Work For You

It is easy to end up with a CCTV installation which doesn’t meet your expectations because of a poor assessment of your requirements at the beginning. The first and most important question to be addressed with any CCTV system is What do I need to see? Closely followed by Why…

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Time, Gentlemen, Please!

Deputy Information Commissioner, David Smith was quoted in an SMT online editor’s View article about licensed premises being forced into installing CCTV in order to get a license for their premises. He said: “We recognise that CCTV plays an important role in the prevention and detection of crime, and can…

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Is your CCTV a help or a hindrance?

Scotland Yard recently reported that less than one crime is solved for every 1,000 CCTV cameras in London CameraWatch Chief Executive, Gordon Ferrie says, “Of course, CCTV alone will not lead to a greater number of successful prosecutions. But when it is deployed correctly and effectively it can be a…

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Protecting your Employees with CCTV

William Hill PLC corporate responsibility report Protecting our employees We take the safety and security of our staff very seriously, particularly in our shops, and are committed to protecting the welfare of our staff as far as possible by taking proactive measures. Through our Security Department, we undertake regular risks…

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5 things for perfect CCTV

1. Buy what you need. Every business has different CCTV needs. Some don’t need CCTV at all. Banks needs top level CCTV and a Barber Shop might need 2 good cameras only. Some businesses only need dummy cameras, and a dummy protected by sign. So before you get a quotation…

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Wireless CCTV … be or not to be

CCTV Camera sLondon are often asked about wireless CCTV transmission it would be so convenient to place cameras at the required locations, locate the digital video recorder at a suitable location and let the images drift over the airwaves without the burden of having to run any cables. This ideal…

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Guidance on optimising your CCTV system

Recent events have highlighted the importance of close-circuit TV in identifying and prosecuting rioters and looters. Over 3000 people have been arrested so far, and video evidence will play a major part in securing convictions. For successful prosecution (and, therefore, for future deterrence) its vital that CCTV systems produce and…

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Lessons to be learnt from Jamie’s kitchen. Secure your London Restaurants using CCTV security systems.

The restaurants operating in central London are subject to Westminster Council Hospitality regulations. Under these regulations, they have several restrictions on the type of service they can offer, food or drink they can serve, the opening times and even how they must protect their staff, premises, stock and most importantly…

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