Wholesalers Are IMPRESSED with their new CCTV System protecting their stock

By on December 18th, 2018

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Long & Son Trading Ltd is a UK based importer, wholesaler, and distributor of high-quality Lady Fashion handbags, their head office and showroom is situated in off Commercial Street, London. We were contacted by Joshua (MD) regarding two systems, one to protect his head office – showroom and the other to protect his large storage on another site. We recommended 11 cameras system at the main site (head office, showroom, and small storage) and 6 camera system at the large storage site. We used two types of cameras for these two system, 2.8 (wide angled lens) 650 TVL cameras and 3.6 lens 650 TVL cameras. These two cameras were perfect for monitoring and identifying at both sites. Below is a snapshot of the DVR at both sites: Site one (head office, showroom, and small storage) – Site two (large storage)

If you require CCTV or an upgrade to your system to protect your Showroom, Wholesalers or Storage Site with a high-quality installation, please contact us now on 0870 770 5077 or email us at eoin@cctvcameraeurope.com.

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