How to protect your business or home against burglaries this Winter

By on December 18th, 2018

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BE ON your guard after the clocks go back as we are now entering peak time for burglaries. November saw more burglaries than any other month last year, as opportunistic thieves took full advantage of the early nights.A break-in can be both frightening and expensive, with the average burglary costing 833, official figures show, made up of £566 in damage and £2,267 of stolen items. Jewellery is most likely to be stolen, followed by wallets and purses, computers, iPads, electrical goods, watches and mobile phones. You can act before crime strikes, by installing CCTV, you can avoid the terrible impact a burglary by preventing it. A visible, well located and modern CCTV system is a proven deterrent. It tells potential criminals that you are not an easy target. They simply go elsewhere, rather than risk being caught on camera. It like having a security guard working 24/7 “ a security guard that never blinks and never forgets. If the criminal is still determined despite the warnings, you have hard identification evidence to be used in court, showing what happened, who perpetrated it and when. And thanks to the latest advances in recording and display technology, it will all be visible in high definition to pick up faces and even the slightest details any time of day or night. You should install visible CCTV: a deterrent cant deter anything if it isnt visible. Too many businesses and homes make the mistake of hiding their cameras away, with the misguided misconception that CCTV should be concealed. The bottom line is: you want people to know they are on camera. Keeping criminals away is the primary objective, catching them is the secondary objective. Put up a professional CCTV sign informing people they are on camera. The fear of being caught is the most simple and effective way of dis-incentivising a potential crime. Falling victim to a burglary is a traumatic experience, but there are other things, other than installing CCTV you can do to limit the probability of it happening to you.

  • Always lock your doors and windows when going out, even if just for a short time.
  • Install an intruder alarm (NSI approved) and make sure it is always switched on when you go out.
  • You should also think of fitting window locks, as one in three burglars breaks in through a window.
  • You should also avoid leaving your home and car keys on shelves or on tables near the front door, as burglars may be able to reach them through the letterbox or dash inside and grab them in a matter of moments.
  • If you are lucky enough to have a shed. Lock up your shed, as burglars may try to use your garden tools to help them break into your house.
  • You can also deter break-ins by fitting an external sensor security light on the front and rear of your business or home: If going away, fit timers to some indoor lights to give the impression that the property is occupied.
  • Also, be warned against hiding keys outside: Burglars know to check hiding places such as flowerpots or door frames. It is safer to leave spare keys with friends and family.
  • Leaving certain things lying around your property or in plain sight from the road can unwittingly lure thieves onto your property like frantic bargain hunters to a flea market. First, if you have a bicycle or scooter that someone could easily walk away with, so, bring it inside or store in your garage.
  • Also, after purchasing a new HD TV other pricey electronics or appliance, don’t leave the box out.
  • Open your curtains, blinds or shades and stroll around the house and see what’s visible. If you have a few expensive items within plain sight or near windows, think about doing a minor redesign to move them out of view.
  • Tall shrubs and overgrown trees are welcome hiding places for criminals to wait until the coast is clear to get into your house. Keep the outside of your property tidy.
  • Also, getting to know your neighbors and the people you live around is one of the most important safety steps you can take.

Whatever practical steps you can take are worthwhile as all these suggestions complement each other. CCTV Camera London are Londons premier CCTV installers. Our specialists have equipped hundreds of London businesses with high-tech, effective security solutions. We have the expertise to find the right equipment and designs for any space imaginable, inside or out. We ensure all the products we use are the best on the market, so you know if you order from us you be ahead of the curve.

With the latest remote access apps and software, you be able to keep monitor of your business or home no matter how busy you are, wherever you are, on a range of devices, from your laptop, iPhone, Android phones, tablets and more. This means less busywork for you and more security for your business.Everything we do, from the equipment to the cabling and the layout, is entirely covered by our 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. If you arent entirely satisfied with our solution, youll receive credit for all or part of your order, and we wont take a penny from you until we know you are 100% happy. Our dedicated team will go the extra mile to ensure whatever you need, whether its equipment or advice, we will deliver.If you are interested in protecting your home or business with CCTV. Please contact us now on 07977 177775 or request a free quotation at

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