Estate Management companies trust us (CCTV Camera London) CCTV installation at Milner Building on Piano Lane, N16

By on December 17th, 2018

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In the recent past we have had several such requests by Estate Management companies to assist them in securing their residential and commercial properties across London. Especially after the London riots the general concerns with regards to securing ones property has drastically increased. Ours are tough economic times, in which our society is facing a backlash from some of the most oppressed sections of society but this does not mean that we let our hard earned properties and businesses to face the wrath of such hot untamed temper. Grange Estate Management contracted us to help protect the Milner Building on Piano Lane, N16, and we inspected the site, designed and implemented a robust and advanced CCTV monitoring system. Post installation we took some pictures of the actual property, which you can see below. They opted for a 6 cameras on 8 channel DVR (Digital Video Recorder) system. 2 cameras identify and recognise people entering the front door and using the hallway, 2 cameras monitor the car parking areas and 2 All in One camera monitor the outer perimeter and notify anyone that professional CCTV is in operation. You can see in Fig:1 the camera installed at the front door and in Fig:2 you can see the camera installed at the outer perimeter, just before the car park. In Fig:3 you can see live videos that the 6 cameras are recording across all the key points on the property. The system records data 1 month and is then overwritten. Tenants can also access the data if anything happens via the internet. Now, how cool is that! The tenants can be on a holiday on a nice beach and can just use their phone or laptop to see that their property is safe and secure and that they have no reasons to worry. That is what we call complete peace of mind  CCTV Camera London Style! Property Management companies find that providing their managed properties with CCTV surveillance, instills in the property residents calm and higher levels of confidence. If you are a property management company are a resident in a managed property and would like your premises to be secured and monitored by Close Circuit Television Cameras, then please feel free to contact us via phone: 0870 770 5077 or via our website:

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