Do you feel safe?

By on December 18th, 2018

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If the answer is NO, let us help you feel safe all the time.Professionally installed CCTV is so convincing no sensible person will risk getting caught on camera.Here are 10 ways you can make yourself feel safe using CCTV.1.Get the right equipment and the latest sophisticated CCTV Cameras. This will deter criminals because of the certainty their image will be recorded 2.Make sure your CCTV system design is correct and your cameras are in the right location and are visible. Even the best quality equipment will fail  where the cameras are in the wrong location. 3. Make sure no cables or connections are visible. This reinforces the integrity of CCTV system and reduces the probability of tampering or disconnection. 4.Erect Professional signage adjacent to cameras. Many cameras are now overt but discreet. signage helps promote a professional system is in place. 5. Display the CCTV system on a visible monitor. This allows people to see their own face and make note a professional system is in operation. 6.Ensure your CCTV is fast and easy to use. The latest DVR and apps, allow you to find what you are looking for in 2 clicks or seconds. 7.Be able to log in to your system remotely on any device. The will give you instant peace of mind but also allows others know that you don’t have to be around to see around. 8. Be able to back up or copy images. This allows you to take effective action fast, if you need to. 9.Have the right maintenance and support in place . If your system has a fault, then it will fail.
10. Have the knowledge that every second is guaranteed to be on the CCTV. This means you can sleep well and feel safe.
If you want us to help you, contact us now on 0870 770 5077 or email We can install a new CCTV for you or improve what you have already, so you get the maximum benefit and return from your investment. If you want a FREE quotation or FREE site survey, please complete our form at this link. Regards and Thanks Eoin Clarke Managing Director CCTV Camera London Ltd
0870 770 5077 07977177775 View our latest videos Protect your Street  ––YTMOxTz8 Protect your Business – 10 Tips for effective CCTV –

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