CCTV Installation @ New Ice Cream Parlour, Clapham Junction, Sw11

By on December 18th, 2018

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Nardulli ice cream parlour is a new and young authentic place in the heart of a lively and dynamic district at the central point of London, they pride there self on making the best gelato London has to offer…. Lorenzo Nardulli, the owner of the parlour had  contacted us regarding an up-grade on his current system which consisted of 4 cameras, three cameras monitored the front of the parlour and the other monitored the kitchen area. Lorenzo and Eoin decided after a site survey that one existing camera needs to be replaced and three extra cameras NEED to be added to protect and monitor all areas of the shop. Identification camera at the front of the store is a MUST, a camera to monitor all till transaction and last of all a third camera to cover up the final blind spot. Below are snaps of the final upgrade, hope you enjoy the last picture…..

If you require CCTV or an upgrade on your system to protect your Ice Cream Parlour, Dessert shop or Business with a high quality installation, please contact us now on 0870 770 5077 or email us at

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