CCTV Camera London Protect The Joy Store

By on December 18th, 2018

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Professional Security System for business

The Joy Store are the new up and coming clothes retailer in Europe, they have 22+ branches in Europe, with 15 branches in London.We was initially contacted by The Joy to upgrade there DVR (digital video recorder) and replace a camera @ there Tottenham Court Road branch, they were happy with the upgrade and gave us the go ahead to upgrade there Soho branch.The previous system was one of the oldest I have seen, as it recorded on VHS and the cameras were 300TVL and didn’t record or work.We Installed a new DVR, monitor and power supply and realised the cameras are completely gone, therefore had to install 4 new cameras, once we upgraded the system we asked the manager of the branch was she happy with the system and she said “I am so happy with the new system you guys are a GODsend, it makes me and my staff feel more safe knowing we have a professional security system”.If you require CCTV or an upgrade on your system to protect your multi chain business, properties or home with a high quality installation, please contact us now on 0870 770 5077 or email us at

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