2 Camera CCTV Install @ Home in Lewisham

By on December 18th, 2018

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CCTV protection isn’t just for businesses, many people are starting to protect their homes. We were called out by a home owner in Lewisham who was having vandal problems and was worried next she might be burgled. After advising her, she decided to go for a two camera system as she was only having vandal problems at the front of her home. One camera on the left above her door and the other on the right of her house above the window, placing the cameras in these position eliminates blind spots and protects the front of her house. Below are a few snaps of the install:

Front Door #1 (1)

Front Door #2 (1)

Front Door (2)

If you require CCTV or an upgrade on your system to protect your Property, House or Business with a high quality installation, please contact us now on 0870 770 5077 or email us at eoin@cctvcameraeurope.com.

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