13 Cam CCTV Installation @ The Laughing Gravy restaurant, London SE1.

By on December 18th, 2018

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Some of you may know or have heard of Jon Wise? For those of you who don’t know, Jon Wise was a TV critic for The People Magazine a well known TV critic. The Laughing Gravy is tucked away in Lambeth/Southwark, south of the river in an area that isn’t particularly known for its restaurants. Since taking over Jon has refurbished and given the restaurant a new modern vibe and was now looking to upgrade the old CCTV system with a new and improved one, with all blind spots covered and the best quality available for his budget. The previous system consisted of 4 cameras, 3 on the restaurant floor and 1 out side, to cover all blind spots and protect the restaurant 13 cameras were needed:

  • 7 cameras on shop floor
  • 3 in the kitchen area
  • 2 in the stock room & office
  • 1 out side on the front door

Below are a few snaps of the install:

The Laughing Gravy

Back Dining Area

Bar Area


Stair Way

Wine Stock Room

Office Cam

DVR Screen

If you require CCTV or an upgrade on your system to protect your Restaurant, Takeaway or Business with a high quality installation, please contact us now on 0870 770 5077 or email us at eoin@cctvcameraeurope.com.

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