10 Tips for effective CCTV

By on December 18th, 2018

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A CCTV system that is not working can have costly implications and the frustration can be intangible. If you implement the following 10 tips, you will optimise your CCTV system performance and you will have peace of mind, it’s working properly.
’10 Tips for effective CCTV’1. Ensure you cameras are clean and pointing the right way. A dirty camera pointing down to the ground, is not deterrent, it’s an invitation. It gives the impression the CCTV is not operational or maintained. 2. Ensure you cameras are visible and their field of vision is not obscured. If you cannot see the camera, it can’t see you. If something is in the way of the camera, the field of vision is blocked. 3. Locate professional signage beside strategic cameras. Professional Signage is convincing and enhances the deterrent effect. ‘Smile you are on CCTV’ is not. 4. Most cameras can now see in the dark. But the picture quality is reduced. Sensor lighting installed adjacent to the cameras is a massive deterrent. It lights and alarms the subject and it massively improves the CCTV image quality. 5. Identify people at points of entry to your property. If you can’t see the persons face, the Police won’t be able to identify them and the courts won’t accept it as evidence. 6. Ensure your DVR has the right date and time set. Power cuts and hours changes can force changes to happen, so you clock needs regular checking. 7. Ensure your DVR is recording. There should be a symbol, like a red dot or green sign to indicate, recording is in operation. 8. Test playback. Search for a recent date and time to see if the CCTV is actually recording. Hard drives can fail and need regular checking. 9. Test backup. Copy or download some images and make sure the back up function is working. 10. If you are still having problems, call us and we will help you. It would be our pleasure to help. Please call us on 0870 770 5077 or eoin@cctvcameraeurope.com .

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