Posts by CCTVCameraLondon Clark

Guidance on optimising your CCTV system

Recent events have highlighted the importance of close-circuit TV in identifying and prosecuting rioters and looters. Over 3000 people have been arrested so far, and video evidence will play a major part in securing convictions. For successful prosecution (and, therefore, for future deterrence) its vital that CCTV systems produce and record clear and unambiguous images.…

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Lessons to be learnt from Jamie’s kitchen. Secure your London Restaurants using CCTV security systems.

The restaurants operating in central London are subject to Westminster Council Hospitality regulations. Under these regulations, they have several restrictions on the type of service they can offer, food or drink they can serve, the opening times and even how they must protect their staff, premises, stock and most importantly their customers. Hence, a CCTV…

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If you have a Shop in London dont let it turn into a Soft Target. Get a CCTV Camera System installed.

At least 900 retail stores hit in UK riots. ( London retail sector, especially shops in the high street were in the line of fire, during the recent Riots. This was a disaster of the highest order and most of the shops could claim their insurance money back. But what if you were a shop…

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Is your Property Management Company under threat of being labelled an extortion scam?

An article in Financial Times in early September 2011 caught the attention of lease holders and especially property management companies. growing number of UK leaseholders are taking action against their properties managing agents over poor service and overcharging – and many are choosing to set up their own management companies to save hundreds of pounds…

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CCTV Cameras in Schools Privacy Vs Safety?

Over the last few years, there has been a big debate on whether CCTV cameras in schools invade the privacy of the students and teachers and makes them behave artificially because they know they are being watched, all the time. CCTV Cameras London prides itself to be an ethical business operation. We truly believes that…

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Whilst you enjoy your summer holidays someone else could be enjoying looting your home. Act now! Install CCTV.

We all look forward to having that special holiday in the sun with our family every year. And so do the burglars. Statistics, from the University of Pennsylvania show that during the summer session, homes without security systems are about 3 times more likely to be broken into than homes with security systems. (Actual statistic…

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5 year old Thusha Kamaleswaran wins justice as Vital CCTV camera evidence helps puts South London gang members behind bars.

Thusha Kamaleswaran was caught in crossfire of a bungled assassination attempt which took place in her uncle shop in Stockwell in South London. She was shot in the chest several times and even though the paramedics and doctors managed to save her life, she will now remain paralysed for life. The following video below shows…

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