CCTV Cameras in Schools Privacy Vs Safety?

By on December 19th, 2018

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Over the last few years, there has been a big debate on whether CCTV cameras in schools invade the privacy of the students and teachers and makes them behave artificially because they know they are being watched, all the time. CCTV Cameras London prides itself to be an ethical business operation. We truly believes that the CCTV security systems it installs makes lives of people more secure and reduces stress and anxiety and reinstates a state of social well being. But we do wish to contribute to the CCTV in school debate in our own little way. We find that the arguments in favour of the motion are:
1) Deters misbehavior in lessons
2) Stops student bunking off lessons
3) Prevents Theft
4) Helps put a stop to smoking and drug use
5) Reduces vandalism, violence, and bullying
6) Makes everyone feel safer
7) Stops intruders from entering the school property
8) To establish good practice

for teachers We find that the arguments against the motion are:
1) There is a cost implication
2) Invades privacy
3) Those who are filmed are not asked permission of before footage is distributed
4) Can create a feeling of mutual distrust between students and administration

Fig: There is a fine line between invasion and surveillance. CCTV assists in deterring the ill minded kids from carrying out mischievous activities and also helps teachers to perform to their level best by delivery the best lectures they can. There can be an argument against CCTV that it might curb the natural instincts of kids and hinder maverick teachers from teaching the children in creative ways but the upsides of having CCTV in school outweigh the downsides by a considerable margin. CCTV Camera Europe agrees with the opinion of – ATL (Association of Teachers and Learners), who say . It is extremely important that schools seek the views of all those who are subject to surveillance – teachers, pupils and, significantly, their parents – and respond to these views accordingly. Without this communication, is it highly likely that staff and pupils may become suspicious. In short, CCTV should not be introduced without extensive consultation. ( Hence seeing the consultation of all those who are involved in key in this process so that everyone is aware of the CCTV and its advantages and makes the school a more productive place of learning and development that it should be. If you are a school and would like to have CCTV installed at your premises, please feel free to contact us for a complimentary audit via telephone 07926 530 301 or email

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