Questions to ask before you decide to monitor your Work Place using CCTV

By on December 18th, 2018

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ICO – Information Commissioner Office is helping the businesses of Britain by making them aware of what they need to know before they decide to install CCTV camera systems at their workplaces. Before installing a CCTV security system, a business owner needs to ask the primary question if the purpose of CCTV is solely to prevent and detect crime or is it to be used to monitor the amount of work done and compliance with company procedures. ICO helps us identify – Question to ask yourself before installing CCTV solely to prevent and detect crime. 1)  Have the cameras been installed so they are not directed specifically to capture images of workers? 2)  Are the recorded images viewed only when there is suspected criminal activity, and not just for routine monitoring of workers? Cameras installed for preventing and detecting crime should not be used for non-criminal matters. 3)  Are images of workers used only if you see something you cannot be expected to ignore, such as criminal activity, gross misconduct, or behavior which puts others at risk? 4)  If these images are used in disciplinary proceedings, is the footage retained so that the worker can see it and respond? A still image is unlikely to be enough. Questions to ask yourself before installing CCTV for monitoring your workplace 1)  Is CCTV limited to areas which workers would not expect to be private? CCTV should not be used in toilet areas or private offices. 2) Are workers made aware that the CCTV is for staff monitoring and how it will be used? How are visitors informed that CCTV is in operation? 3) If CCTV is used to enforce internal policies, are workers fully aware of these policies and have they had sufficient training? 4)  Do you have procedures to deal appropriately with subject access requests from workers? A third dimension to monitoring that some companies have to use in exceptional ircumstances is Covert Monitoring. 1)  Is this an exceptional circumstance, and is there is a reason to suspect criminal activity or equivalent malpractice? 2) Will the cameras only be used for a specific investigation, and will they be removed once the investigation is complete? 3) Would it prejudice the investigation to tell workers that cameras are being used? 4) Have you taken into account the intrusion on innocent workers? 5) Has the decision been taken by senior management? If you identify the scenario you fall under and answer the above questions before installing a CCTV camera system, then you will be following best practice guidelines. Have any questions that you would like to ask with regards to CCTV installation at your premises? Please feel free to contact us for a complimentary audit via telephone “ 0870 770 5077 or email us on “

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