CCTV can help in troubled times.

By on December 17th, 2018

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Unfortunately, recent events have highlighted the importance of close-circuit TV in identifying and prosecuting rioters and looters. Over 3000 people have been charged so far, with video evidence playing a major part in securing convictions.A good individual CCTV system will support individual business requirements, and provide the police with additional material to help build a complete profile of events in a neighbourhood. However a poorly designed system, using poor quality equipment, will just waste everybody time and effort. Our advice is to review your system, with or without the help of an expert, and arrange for the outcome to be implemented. The NSI (National Security Inspectorate) can provide such an expert.
We ‘ve been installing and maintaining CCTV security systems for many years. Here are our tips for making sure your CCTV will provide recordings of clear images of any event that has threatened your home, business or the larger community.

  • Determine key areas where images of potential offenders can be captured. These include street areas immediately outside your premises; all entrances  main or side – to business areas and stockrooms (covering both those entering and those leaving); and places where cash or valuables can be accessed.
  •  Place cameras and lighting in these areas that will capture sufficient detail to allow identification and prosecution to succeed. This means careful consideration of sight lines, camera angles, lens choice and image quality.
  • Specify tamper and vandal proof systems, so that they are difficult for potential offenders to neutralise.
  • Ensure that recordings made are of high quality, and protected from physical attack. Nowadays this generally means solid state or hard disk recording, with the digital recorder in a protected part of the premises or in a secure lock box.
  •  If your installation falls short in any of these areas consider asking for professional advice on reconfiguring and upgrading it.

At CCTV Camera Europe, we d be pleased to help any business that wants to review its CCTV systems, or to advise those considering CCTV for the first time. Our website ( gives full details of our services and offers.
Eoin Clarke Managing Director CCTV Camera London Ltd 0870 770 5077 07977177775!/cctvexperts
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