CameraWatch questions police competencies in relation to CCTV

By on December 17th, 2018

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This article clarifies the benefits in using an approved CCTV installer for legal, fit for purpose CCTV Installations. is needed is a clear and concise message that all CCTV system operators will be prosecuted should they fail to observe even the simple basics of the law. The holding of a licence to operate CCTV used to mean something, and yet were in the position that the great majority of CCTV in this country is breaking the law.What we need is good quality CCTV images and properly managed systems. Above all, we need all CCTV to be legal and fit for purpose.Only then can we have full public confidence in what is undoubtedly one of our most valuable crime detection and safety tools.We say;1. Buy what you need.2. Locate the cameras corrrectly.3. Buy the right cameras and lens.4. Buy the right DVR.5. Don’t try and do it yourself.Call us on 0870 770 5077 for help and advice!

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