If you have a Shop in London dont let it turn into a Soft Target. Get a CCTV Camera System installed.

By on December 19th, 2018

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At least 900 retail stores hit in UK riots. (http://www.retailgazette.co.uk/articles/00312-almost-900-retail-stores-hit-in-uk-riots) London retail sector, especially shops in the high street were in the line of fire, during the recent Riots. This was a disaster of the highest order and most of the shops could claim their insurance money back. But what if you were a shop owner and something like a firearm holdup robbery took place during the late hours of the night or maybe some dumb heads vandalise your shop front, maybe a series of shoplifting incidences are become a constant headache for you or maybe your staff is not as honest as they should be and there are some glaring mismatches in tally books because you deal in cash. And above all you don’t want your stock room raided. How can you protect against any of the above unforeseen circumstances, well you can install a CCTV cameras security system. Which will either deter the unwanted activity or get clear pictures of the culprits? Whether you would like to send these images to your insurance company or would like to produce them in court as evidence, all these CCTV camera video recordings, will help you fight for your justice. They will help your voice to be heard in front of the court of law and large insurance companies. Another big aspect of having CCTV cameras installed is that they allow you to pre-warn an ill-minded individual to stay away. Precaution is always better than cure but if in the worst case scenario your shop is hit, you have evidence to prove it and hopefully find the troublemakers. If you wish to have a CCTV security system installed in your shop then please feel free to contact via phone: 07926 530 301or via our website: https://cctvcamera.london/contact.asp

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