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CCTV Cameras London Videos

Below we have a collection of great videos that we have created to introduce what we do, showcase some of our work and provide advice. Either scroll down the page or click on the ‘View’ shortcut links and simply click on the video image to see each video.

  • Introducing CCTV Cameras London

  • Protect your Business with CCTV Case Study

  • Protect your Street with CCTV Case Study

  • 10 Tips for Effective CCTV

  • CCTV for Businesses

  • Multi-site and Home CCTV Installations

  • 5 CCTV Top Tips

  • Protect your Car with CCTV

Protect your Car with CCTV

A customer contacted CCTV Cameras London after her car had been vandalised 4 times. She wanted to be able to find out who was doing it and stop it from happening again. One of the problems was tha the car was parked 50 metres from her house and although she could see it she was unable to keep a constant eye on it.

The solution consisted of a triple IR camera zoomed in on her car with a second ball camera to protect the IR camera and also to cover the entrance to her home. Because of the distance of the car from the house, other companies that she had approached had either said they couldn’t provide what was needed or that it would be prohibitively expensive. CCTV Cameras London assessed the problem with a can do attitude and professional manner showing professional knowledge with a personal touch and got the job done.

The customer has had no further incidences of vandalism. She now feels a lot less stressed and is satisfied that CCTV Cameras London have done what they said they would. The recordings allow the customer to quickly review when there was motion detected to make it easier to locate and review any recordings that had captured potential incidents.

Call 07926 530 301 or email

CCTV for Businesses

Every business has different risks and different ways to manage those risks. CCTV gives you the ability to monitor your business 24 hours a day so you can manage those risks effectively or eliminate them altogether.
Common business risks are:

  • Targeted theft
  • Staff productivity
  • Stock control
  • Cash management

In this video we explain how one of our clients used an 8 camera system to eliminate all four of these risks at the same time. The business owner describes his satisfaction including the ability to manage the system remotely on his smart phone.

Call 07926 530 301 or email

Protect your Street with CCTV: Case Study

This three minute video case study is about a CCTV scheme we installed and maintain at Ormonde Gate, Chelsea, London.

Street crime is common and on the increase in London. One of the ways to manage this risk and protect your street is CCTV. If the CCTV design, equipment and support are correct, it is possible to deter crime or know, who or what car was on your street and what exactly they did.

Since the Ormonde Gate CCTV scheme has been in place, it became apparent how much crime was actually going on. The CCTV was able to recognise some offenders and also capture the registration of their vehicles. This allowed the Police to track them down quickly and secure a prosecution. The number of reported incidents has now dropped to 1 a month. This validates the project and its overall success.

Call 07926 530 301 or email

Multi-site and Home CCTV Installations

A property developer needed a tailor-made CCTV system for his own home and to cover his property development business. He came to CCTV Cameras Europe after being let down by another company who couldn’t deliver on their promises.

The main issue was the ability to manage the different CCTV installation locations remotely using his Mac and iPhone. CCTV Camera Europe assessed the problem and researched the solutions and then provided the service that the client had been looking for from the start.
He now has a fully functional multi-site installation managed over the Internet using his Mac and iPhone. He has 24 hour support and can now allow his tenants to feel at home and safe in his properties.

Call 07926 530 301 or email

Protect your Business with CCTV: Case Study

This is a video case study of a pub-based business in London who have dramatically benefited from one of our CCTV designs and installations. CCTV schemes can be built in phases so they are more affordable.

Call 07926 530 301 or email