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Our 100% CCTV Satisfaction Guarantee

Customer Happiness Guaranteed

We value our customers. We want to provide you with an excellent level of service at all times and deliver you the best CCTV experience available.

Our customers expect right first time:

A well designed installation
Efficient and tidy installation
Cameras and recorders that work from day one
Staff comfortable and trained in using the DVR, and confident reviewing footage

The critical time is immediately installation is complete. Issues regarding design and training become apparent very quickly, when not right. We are always available help and have a dedicated team which will go the extra mile to ensure that you are completely satisfied as are all our other customers.

Request a Quote

Complete the form for a free no-obligation quote for CCTV installation

Our Promise – 100% Satisfaction

If you ever feel we have fallen short on this promise, we will provide you with a credit for all or part of your order.

Please see our full terms and conditions for full details of our guarantee and other terms.

We know that a perfect CCTV system requires the right design, correctly selected equipment and the highest level of support. We aim to provide you with perfect CCTV. We will not take final payment until you are 100% happy with our work and your new CCTV.

For a CCTV installation with a 100% guarantee, call CCTV Cameras London today to discuss your requirements on 07926 530301