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Frequently Asked Questions

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1. What is CCTV?

CCTV stands for Closed Circuit Television and refers to one or more cameras linked to a monitoring point and/or recording device.

2. What is CCTV used for?

CCTV is used for cameras to view an area for the use of Security, Safety or Monitoring.

3. How will I know what system I need?

The type of system should be designed with the purpose in mind along with environmental conditions. Our surveyors are trained to match the correct equipment to your system’s needs.

4. What is Digital CCTV?

Digital CCTV refers to the use of the storage medium for the images, typically a hard drive within a DVR (Digital Video Recorder). This is not being too confused with IP video cameras which refer to the transport medium used to connect with the recording device.

5. What is a DVR?

DVR means Digital Video Recorder. This is the recording device that replaced the old video records that used tapes.

6. What is Video Motion Detection?

This is a type of based Video Analytics. It is able to see movement within the scene and can execute an action; like increase the record rate or email a picture etc… Basic Video Motion is not suited to external use as objects such as trees will cause it to trigger.

7. Can I view images remotely?

Yes, most DVR’s these days include remote viewing software. All you will need is a broadband line to which the DVR gets connected to.

8. What is Remote Monitoring?

Remote monitoring is the linking of your site to our Video Control room where they can see and control the CCTV whilst having the ability to issue warnings over a speaker system.

9. How is CCTV affected by the Data Protection Act?

Every commercial CCTV system should be registered with the Data Protection Registrar and the rules and guidelines followed.

10. What happens when I ask for a quote?

Whether you request a quotation online or over the phone, the process is fairly straightforward and the first step is to discuss your requirements with one of our installers below are the steps listed in detail.

Your installer will take care of everything, acting as a single point of contact for you throughout the process.

If you have a problem, you can speak to a man who can solve it rather than speaking to a call centre.

When you’re happy to go ahead, your installer will book a date that’s convenient for you.

We can usually arrange an install within two weeks, but if you want it sooner, you might want to consider our fast track service.

11. What happens when you install my business CCTV system?

We’ll arrive at your business at an agreed time, usually between 8am and 9am. If we’re held up for any reason, we’ll call you immediately.

If you require us to use unmarked vans please let us know and we’ll do our best to accommodate.

The first thing we’ll do at your business is plan the cable routing. This usually takes between 15 and 20 minutes and if it’s possible, we’d like you to be there to give us your approval.

We always do our best to hide cables and make sure the job is neat and tidy; in fact, we take great pride in it.

Four to six camera systems can usually be installed within a day.

If you’re having your system networked, we’ll need access to a computer in your business and the passwords to your router. We don’t save these details.

We always carry dust sheets and are more than happy to remove outdoor shoes or clothing before entering your business.

12. What happens when the work is complete?

Once we’ve completed your installation, we’ll give you a full demonstration of its capabilities and provide you with a complete and comprehensive set of instructions that are written in plain English.

You’re more than welcome to call us at any time after you installation should you require any assistance whatsoever.

If your system is networked, with your permission, we can change any settings you want up dating remotely. You may need to provide us with access details.

13. How do I pay for my Home CCTV System?

CCTV Camera London Ltd does not offer any credit facilities. Payment to be received in 2 parts. 50% deposit before commencement and we will only request the 50% balance when you are 100% happy with our CCTV system and service.

All components remain the property of CCTV Camera London until full payment has been made.

14. What Happens if I Catch Someone on Camera?

The chances are that you’ll want to get that evidence into the hands of the Police.

Footage can be saved to a memory stick and then transferred to CD/DVD to give to the police as evidence.

We offer an evidence retrieval service for all customers. If your system is networked, we can download the evidence remotely and send you or the police a secure and compliant copy of all footage retrieved.

If your system is not networked, we can arrange a visit from an engineer to remove footage for you. There is a charge to this service.

15. How long will my system record for?

The short answer is as long as you want. All data is recorded to a built in hard drive, the bigger the hard drive, the longer your images will be saved. A 1TB hard drive should record four cameras (depending on frame rates) for one month. Therefore, it will record one camera for over four weeks.

16. What happens when it’s full?

Nothing. Your Digital Video Recorder will record over old images when the hard drive is full. So if you have capacity to record for 30 days, on day 31, day 1 recordings will be deleted to make room on the hard drive for day 31 recordings.

17. Can I make it record for longer?

Yes, you can switch on motion detection so that your Digital Video Recorder records only when motion is detected.

In a normal domestic situation, using motion detection could add weeks to your storage time, but there’s a price to pay. You’ll need to have the sensitivity on your motion detection quite high to ensure that you don’t miss anything. Increasing the sensitivity will mean that you will also record rain and possibly wind, especially if your cameras point to anything that moves in the wind.

18. Do the cameras light up at night?

If your camera has infrared, yes. There will be a small row of infra red lights that cast light that’s invisible to the human eye. Without this, your camera wouldn’t be able to see in the dark.

19. What’s the difference between CIF and D1 Recording?

Resolution is the size of the image on the displayed. The most popular resolutions are D1 or 4CIF and CIF. Nearly all DVRs will display in D1 or 4CIF but CIF is a more popular recording resolution. D1 and 4CIF are larger images, but to record the larger image takes up more hard drive space. In addition, most DVRs frame rate needs to be lowered to allow these resolutions to work. A DVR that records at 30 frames per second (real time) in CIF mode will usually only record around 7 frames per second in D1 or 4CIF. For a DVR to record at 30 frames per second in D1 or 4CIF is rare, the nearest to 30 frames you can record for is 25 frames per second which isn’t far off. DVRs are more affordable. The majority of our DVRS can record in D1 resolution at 25FPS (real time) at affordable prices.

20. What’s the difference between 420TVL and 700TVL?

If you’ve ever had a look at a CCTV monitor before, you’d notice that most of the images or the videos are blurred, distort and you’ll even have trouble distinguishing someone’s face, this is because you are looking at low quality 420 TV line cameras. Basically, the difference between 700 TV Line CCTV Cameras and 420 TV Line Cameras is the resolution. It is obvious that 700 TV line CCTV cameras are way better than then low cost 420TV lines. The types of cameras that you usually see in some convenience stores, properties or fast food restaurants are 420 TV line cameras, Although people still considered it as a great way to remain protected for low cost and to keep an eye on individuals who may have bad intentions, with the types of technology and developments that we are faced with right now, why should you settle for less when there are improved and better solutions? Choosing between 700 TV Line CCTV Cameras then 420 TV Line Cameras is out of the question? You will get better resolution, which simply means better quality and more security on your end; it’s like comparing a security guard with poor vision to a security guard with 10/10 vision, it’s a no brainer.

21. What is TVL?

Analog CCTV surveillance video resolution is measured in TV lines as viewed on a monitor screen. Video quality is measured with converging lines of higher and higher density. The TVL resolution number is the line density where the camera is no longer able to reproduce individual lines. The higher this number is, the better the picture.

22. Do you have cameras that can see in the dark?

Yes. All of our cameras have infrared capabilities, depending on your budget you can buy cameras which give a better quality at night/dark and see a further distance.

23. What if I can’t find the answer I’m looking for?

Send us your question using the form below and we will contact you with an answer. If it is a question we think should be added to the FAQs we will do that too.

If you have a question not answered in the FAQs please send us your question using the form below.

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