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Tokyo Fixed Upgrade To Correct Protection

Tokyo Fixed started as a web only shop in Tokyo, 2006. They opened a shop front in the heart of London Soho in November 2009. Who choose products from all over the world. We choose clothing not only for cycling but for cycling people. Tokyo Fixed have a problem with theft as they have two floors and the till is on the ground floor this makes it easy for a customer grab something from downstairs and shove it in their bag as they are walking up stairs. They have tried to prevent the theft by placing dummy cameras around the store which was a dead end because, once a theft has taken place there wasn’t actual recording of the crime taking place, this is why dummy cameras are a waste of money and time. We decided a 3 camera system was perfect for the shop as both floors are compacted and the store had three blind spots, we covered the ground floor and the blind spot with a wide angle camera, the second camera covered the lower ground floor an the blind spot and the third camera to cover the stairs. these cameras have been put in the perfect spots to deter and capture theft as in occurs, since we have installed this system theft has fallen rapidly. Below is a snap shot of there DVR. If you require CCTV or an upgrade on your system to protect your Shop, Business or Home with a high quality installation, please contact us now on 07926 530 301 or email us at

Tokyo Fixed

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