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Minimising Businesses Risks

Problem: Security compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
Solution: 16 Camera Digital CCTV Solution with web access NSI audited this CCTV scheme and it was approved with a Grade A.

Norwegian Cruise Lines now have their European offices and Call Centre based in Hammersmith, London. Following a Price Waterhouse Coopers internal audit to comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (which is a legal requirement for all US companies to audit themselves and reduce the risk of corruption and business failure) it was identified that the location had a number of business risks, which could be addressed by the introduction of a CCTV system. The audit identified key locations that were business critical or where there was a high level of risk. These areas included the entrances to the IT Communications suite, finance and kitchen areas. CCTV Cameras London responded to this challenge and designed and installed a tailored 16 camera digital CCTV system. The installation posed a number of challenges to effectively link all parts of the offices over two separate floors. This called for a special signal bridge to be designed and implemented by Camera London. The resulting system uses a mixture of different cameras to suit each objective be it to identify, recognise or monitor. The Cameras at the entrances are overt with Infra Red to facilitate image capture in darkness. The Cameras in the offices are a dome design so as not to appear intrusive. The images can be viewed securely over the web so investigations and footage can be easily handled both remotely and on site. More recently Norwegian Cruise Lines relocated from Kensington to Hammersmith. CCTV Cameras London migrated Norwegian Cruise Lines CCTV system to these new offices. This was achieved at minimal cost by utilising the existing high quality cameras and digital video recorder which was a BusinessSafe DVR.

Reference from Lee Cooper of Norwegian Cruise Liners:

“CCTV Cameras London installed a CCTV System within our London offices. From the initial consultation through to post-installation support, we found their service very professional and the quality was without question. We would have no hesitation in recommending the CCTV Cameras London team for a similar installation.”

Minimising Businesses Risks

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