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Problem: Need for multiple, worldwide secure live streaming and fast back up video or DVD copies from a recorder in constant use.
Solution Design and integration of cctv, computer and video technology to achieve a cost effective efficient full solution. e.g. 16 Camera Digital CCTV Solution with web access NSI audited this CCTV scheme and it was approved with a Grade A.

All Global Viewing is a specialist research and meeting facilities company located in the heart of the city. They specialize in filming focus group discussions for marketing companies. As part of a facilities revamp they asked their Audio Visual company, Charm AV if they could suggest any efficiencies in the recording workflow including live video streaming. Charm in turn approached CCTV Camera Europe with this brief. They wanted single button recording with a recording segmentation option, immediate DVD copies, no interruption to ongoing recordings whilst making backups and live streaming as well as the option to move files to FTP servers over a network Studio discussions were filmed and recorded to DVD and CD which were sent to the client after each 90 minute recording session. There was no opportunity for the client to view the sessions live off-site and if there was a faulty DVD there was no video backup. CCTV Cameras London designed a CCTV based solution which recorded the sessions directly to hard disk as well as offering secure web streaming over the internet to any authorized viewer with password access. At the end of each session it is now possible to create a DVD, record a file to a USB stick and pass the recording to a web streaming server – all at the same time as the next session in being recorded. InterviewPlus is a new product developed by CCTV Camera Europe for AVG and it is just one of many bespoke solutions developed for our clients needs.

Kate Grady, Viewing Facility Manager, All Global Viewing

I am delighted with the results CCTV Cameras London and Charm achieved for us. It has brought about a new, efficient workflow for us with the additional benefit of live streaming and remote authorised client access to recordings.

Streaming CCTV

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