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Property Management

Problem: Petty theft and burglary.
Solution: Digital 4 Camera CCTV System & Professional Signage in two locations NSI inspected this CCTV scheme and approved it with a Grade A.

Property Consultants SMPA manage many commercial offices on behalf of landlords and property investors in the London area. CCTV Cameras London installed Digital CCTV systems in two of their commercial office blocks in the West End, Central London. These properties did not have security on site and burglars were targeting them, taking laptops and personal valuables from the offices. At each location CCTV Cameras London designed and installed a four CCTV solution. This comprised of high resolution CCD cameras with infrared illuminators to capture images even in complete darkness. The cameras were attached to a four channel NetBox Digital Video recorder which records continuously with a 28 day archive. In addition, the presence of prominent signage and the latest equipment has achieved its goal of putting potential burglars off and theft has been radically reduced. Since the installation, there have only been two incidences and both were clearly captured on the newly installed CCTV Cameras London system. Emergency response was requested and images of suspected individuals were copied from the digital video recorder to assist the police in identifying the suspects. The installation was designed as an autonomous system to allow for the fact that there would be no security staff on site. The digital video recorder (DVR) is located in a locked up box in a secure location to ensure that it meets data protection law requirements. The DVR fitted is capable of remote viewing should this be a requirement in the future (NetBox DVR) External vandal-proof dome cameras were fitted at the building entrances.

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Maintenance & emergency back-up

SMPA opted for the Gold Maintenance agreement. The Gold package includes free replacement of any faulty equipment and includes the cost of all parts and labour. By request, CCTV Cameras London can provide weekly monitoring visits to review the recordings. The CCTV system is checked including tests on the playback and backup features and cameras are cleaned. Should an incident occur, Camera London provides a four hour emergency response. Camera Europe attends the site, reviews footage and helps identify any people who are not authorised to be on site or are suspicious. Images are then backed up on to a memory stick or burned onto a DVD and provided to the police for prosecution.

Reference from SMPA:

“CCTV Cameras London has installed CCTV cameras in two of our buildings located in prime spots of the West End, London. They are also providing us with comprehensive after sales service in the form of maintenance agreements. We have been very pleased with the level of service and their response time.”